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About Our Reading Competition:

As Greek philosopher Plato said: "Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything".


We want you to read anything and everything. We also want to learn more about your life by understanding what you've enjoyed reading, and why. Interact briefly with your favorite book from this month for the chance to earn recognition by following the steps below!​


 1. Choose your favorite story of the month: It can be any story, of any genre and length.

2. Show us what that story means to you by choosing one of the three options below to interact with it!

           a) Write a 150-200 word continuation of the story.

           b) Develop a piece of art based on the story. Write about 25-50 words explaining                       your art.

           c) Write a 150-200 word explanation of why this story was your favorite this                                 month!

3. Submit your continuation, art, or explanation along with a photo of you with the book!

Winners will recieve recognition on our website and a $5 amazon gift card! (Your first name and photo may be published on our website if you win!)



This competition closes on the 28th of April 2024. Results will be released May 1st 2024.

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